SYSOP - M1AXM (Dom), Email:
GB7EQ - Talkgroup and Timeslot Usage (FreeDMR and Phoenix Talkgroups)
Timeslot 1:
Timeslot 1 is linked to CQ-UK (which is not carried on the wider FreeDMR network, and is only accessible via GB7YD and GB7EQ servers) - Please set your radio to TG 9 and TS1 in order to access it
Timeslot 2:
Timeslot 2 is configured for Dial On Demand; select your desired TG (using Group Call, not Private), press the PTT for 3 seconds, the repeater will then say "Linked to XXXX"; once connected, you then switch to using TG9 (still on TS2), this will then translate TG9 to your connected (Dialed TG) and vice versa. If there is no local user RF activity for 45 minutes, it will revert back to a defined Talkgroup, which at the moment is TG 810 (Phoenix South West England)
Timeslot 2 Notes:
Dial 4000 (Group Call) to unlink any connected TG's, once unlinked you can switch to TG9 and talk locally without going over the internet, Dial 5000 (Group Call) for connection status